1. Passports: CHECK.
2. Backpacks borrowed from Ro and Liz: CHECK. (thanks, ladies!)
3. Bags packed with probably too many things for a 2 week trip (3 pairs of shoes is okay, right?): CHECK.
4. Ridiculous green rolly-uppy luggage tags that kp loves that I think will rip off our bags on the flight from Toronto to Newark (our stopover on the way to Dublin): CHECK.
I'm ready and I'm excited. Kp and I have lived together in 4 different apartments for maybe a total of 6ish years but we've never been on a trip like this together before. It's like a married couple that has never gone on a honeymoon. Actually, not like that at all, since we're not married and we're not, well, intimate. But we DO fight about the same things again and again: "kp! we don't have room for any more plates from VV!" "lv! don't you want to cut oranges like THIS?" None of that on this trip, though. We will be in a brand new landscape, having the time of our lives. And Ireland and the UK don't have Value Villages.
The fun begins at the airport. I can't figure out how to check us in (which means that it is impossible to check in at this machine since I can figure out pretty much anything):
We do make it on the plane despite the faulty self-serve technology and the fun continues with the in-flight safety card. I admit that it's not original to use the safety diagrams as a basis for in-flight comedy, but kp came up with a REAL WINNER starring this guy and his light bulb:
It was an overnight flight to Dublin which for me meant catch some shut-eye but for kp it meant start a series of photos of lv sleeping. To retain a bit of dignity, I will only post one here.. the one in which you can begin to understand how happy it makes kp to catch me in these moments.
When I wake up we will be descending into Dublin and into the arms of our ol' pal B, the Swedish beauty. Ireland, here we come.
I love your blog. Blog about other stuff!
ReplyDeleteIt's wonderful! I'm re-living it ALL again!! I love you lv for having the patience and drive to do this - no, well, I love you anyway, but this is just such a great extra to get with fabulous you! Puss puss PUSSkraMBing!
ReplyDeleteB xxx
thank gosh you took notes while i took five.